Discover the Divine Blessings within you
through the exploration of Sacred Sound

You are invited to join us for a Deep Dive into the
Explore the deeper meanings within the vibrations and open to the Divine Blessings within them.

"Listen to the unstruck sounds 
and what sifts through that music."

~ Rumi


You are floating in it..  Your soul is swimming in it.. Your spirit is made of it..


All of Creation
emanates from Source

The waves surround us and permeate us.  Regardless of whether we perceive them through our physical ears, eyes, or minds, the waves carry information that is discerned by our subtle bodies - through the knowledge that was breathed into us by the Creator when our bodies were filled with divine life energy. 

Listen to an introduction from Amany and Debra Mastura



When you want to know the truth of who you were created to be, listen to the subtle sounds that resonate from within you. 

When you want to discern what is important for you, the higher truths, allow the waves of truth to pulsate from within you and wash away the clutter. 

When you want to speak with clarity and compassion, allow the waves to ripple through you, clearing confusion and carrying the essence of your deeper intentions.

When you want to live in peace and harmony, allow the subtle waves to draw you near to the Source of sound itself. 





We will gather to explore: 

  • the individual sound codes and the letters that represent them (in the Sacred language of Arabic).
  • the characteristics and qualities of each sound code.
  • how the sound codes form the Divine Names.
  • where and how the sounds are produced in the mouth and body. 
  • how the vibrations of the sound codes move through the body and affect the physical and subtle bodies. 
  • how you can use sound to open to Divine Blessings that are awaiting your discovery.

The sounds of the waves form the Divine Names that call us to know our Source - the essence and presence of the Divine within all of existence. 

The program details: 

  • We meet virtually online via Zoom for 3 classes per month
    • 1 Knowledge class - exploring the knowledge of Sacred Sounds and their characteristics, nuances, and meanings
    • 1 Group recitation call - sound bath
    • 1 Dive - an experiential dive into the ocean to find and consciously embody the gifts and blessings these vibrations bring  to you
  • Knowledge classes will be held on the 2nd Monday of each month at 2 CLASS TIMES: 11am-12:30pm US Eastern time --AND-- 8-9:30pm US Eastern time.  You are welcome to attend either or both.
  • Group recitation calls are on the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 8pm US Eastern time (about 30-45 minutes)
  • Experiential Dives are held on the last Saturdays at 11am-1pm US Eastern time. 
  • Recordings are available for all classes. 

Meet Your Program Facilitators

Amany Shalaby, M.A.

Author, Speaker, Teacher, Translator, Interpreter, Chaplain

Founder of Universal Chaplaincy

Member of The Association of Muslim Chaplains, MWO's Hakima

- Amany served for twelve years as interpreter and translator for Sidi Shaikh Muhammad Sa’id al-Jamal, who was the Imam for al-Masjid al-Aqsa and the Head of the Sufi Counsel in Jerusalem for thirty years. She translated twenty books on Islamic spirituality, written by the Shaikh. Shaikh Muhammad al-Jamal taught that there is only one Divine message for humanity: It is the message of unity, love, peace, mercy, justice, and freedom for all.

- In her teachings, Amany integrates science, psychology, philosophy, spirituality, and clinical chaplaincy skills and experience. The foundation of her teaching is compassion, empathy, deep reflective listening, and facilitating a way for people to find meanings in life. To her, love is the main transformational Divine Power. She believes all religions have a spiritual path that can guide people to know themselves and know their Masterful Nurturer. She has a unique way of representing the common truth in all religions. She loves to participate in interfaith events to foster harmony and understanding.

- Amany earned her post-graduate diploma in Islamic studies from the Islamic College of Advanced Studies in London in 2002

- In 2015 Amany earned her master's degree in comparative philosophy of religion from Middlesex University in London.

- Amany has eighteen years of experience providing spiritual care for several Shadhiliyya Sufi communities across the states. She is a faculty member, teaching Islamic studies at the University of Spiritual Healing and Sufism.

- Amany is the author of The Essence of CreationThe Emanation of ConsciousnessHidden Pearls, and is working on an upcoming book, The Seven Levels of Consciousness. She also authored two children's books published by Richard Ownes Publications Inc.: Goha and His Donkey, and The Little Puffer Fish.

- Amany obtained her certificate of completion of CPE Level I from Adventhealth (Chaplaincy). 

- Amany is currently serving as a chaplain and gender equity coordinator for Muslim Women's Organization.

- Amany lives in Florida and is a mother of three children, a son, and two daughters: a physician, a journalist, and a psychologist.

Debra Graugnard, M.Div.

Author, Speaker, Teacher, Intuitive Healer, Chaplain

Founder of Joyfully Living Wellness & Community for Conscious Living

Teacher of Continuum Movement & Art of Feminine Presence

- Debra is a best-selling Author, Speaker, an intuitive Spiritual Healing Practitioner with a Masters of Divinity in Spiritual Healing & Counseling, and a Chaplain.

- Debra is a master healer and teacher in the Shadhiliyya Sufi Order. After 12 years working in the high-tech corporate environment, Debra experienced a spiritual awakening that changed her life forever. She was soon guided to a Sufi Master from Jerusalem, Sidi Shaykh Muhammad al-Jamal, who she studied with for 20 years before his passing in 2015, coming to know the inner workings of the Spirit-Heart-Body-Mind connection. 

- Debra is a certified teacher of Continuum Movement and Art of Feminine Presence, and she combines these two powerful embodiment practices in her teachings to guide and equip people to truly BE the change they wish to see in their world. 

- Debra has authored two books, While We Were Silent: 12 Experts Share their Stories of Healing from Sexual Trauma, and Bridging the Gaps: A Journey to the Center of Your Self.  She has two more books near completion, Food, Weight, & Feminine Power and The Answer is Love: Questions to Explore as We Transition into an Era of Peace.

- Debra’s CAREFOR Connection Transformational Healing Process is a step-by-step process that guides people to heal their wounds, reconnect with their inner knowing, experience the Divine Essence within, and access and live their deepest Truths in everyday life.

- Debra is creator of the Community for Conscious Living and host of the Self-Care for the Soul podcast. She is especially passionate about helping people to realize how our daily habits and beliefs impact and influence all that exists in this beautiful planet so we can each make choices that create a sustainable environment and a peaceful world.

- Debra facilitates transformative programs and retreats online and in-person. 

Debra explains the purpose of the Dive...


"Listen to the sound of the waves within you..."

~ Rumi

Join us for 


There is no end date in sight - the ocean is infinite! 



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Gift them 6 months of Ocean of Sound Live teachings, plus access to all past recordings. 



* 3 classes per month accessible via Zoom from the comfort of your own space


* Monthly Knowledge Class


* Monthly Group Recitation Call


* Monthly Experiential Dive Class


* Recordings of all classes


* Founding Member rates available for a limited time - your rate will be locked in for as long as you maintain your membership.


* Cancel any time.  Note that if you cancel and rejoin at a later date, you will join at the rate effective at that time. 


* Refunds will not be available.  We strive to provide this service at affordable rates. Because you receive downloadable recordings and handouts and can cancel your membership at any time, we will not refund for what you receive.  If you are dissatisfied with the teachings, of course, we are happy to discuss with you. 

More Info & FAQ's

A dive is a meditative experiential practice that guides us to consciously embody the sound vibrations and connect to their meanings.  

The name "dive" originates from Continuum Movement - Debra is a certified Continuum Movement teacher. 

To dive is to immerse ourselves in the sounds - to bring intention, sound, breath, and subtle movement into an inner exploration and experience the waves within our own bodies. 

A dive is an inquiry into our own existence and our experience within the greater existence.  When we connect with the resonance of the Sacred Sound codes, what do we find?  What can we discover? 

When we intentionally connect with the meanings of Sacred sound as a resonance emitted from Source, what truths will awaken within us?  What veils will be lifted?  What will become awakened or enlightened?  What wounds will be healed? 

No two dives will be the same.  And we never run out of mysteries to explore. 

Let me start off by saying - if there is any part of this you do not understand, don't worry.  It will become clearer as you experience it, and you will have great opportunities for that in the program. 

Sacred Sound simply means the sounds that are emitted from the waves of creation - the waves of subtle energy that emanate from Source to create the energy forms of existence. 

Everything in creation has a subtle energy form, and energy is always in motion - motion creates waves.  Waves produce sound, some sounds we can hear and some we cannot.  Every sound has characteristics, qualities, attributes.  Some sounds resonate the energy of love, some of forgiveness, some of gratitude.  Some create pattern interrupts - they restore or awaken or return.  Some block or protect.  Some carry qualities of eternally flowing or radiating or manifesting. 

These are all attributes of the Divine that emanate from our Source and reflect our Source through the creation.  When we want to know the Divinity within our creation - which is sometimes difficult to perceive - we can call of the Sacred sounds to reflect the Divine essence and uncover the Divine blessings that are present. 

At the same time, everything exists within the waves of creation.  When we want to call in some element of creation - like love or peace or forgiveness or manifesting - we can speak the Sacred sound codes to call in the energy or tune our vibrations to the attributes we sincerely yearn for from within our hearts.  (Yes, sincerity and depth play a role - it's not a short order menu.) 


Here's an example: The name for Hearing is Sami'. 

 - s sound means "waves" as in waves that produce sound. 

 - m sound means "the fluid existence" as in water or ocean.  Not necessarily the consistency we know as water, but a fluid essence, even the cosmos. 

 - i means "reflecting" 

 - ' represents a glottal stop, kind of like a short uh', like in uh-oh. It can denote a pattern interrupt or reversal.  

In this case, the name Sami', Hearing, means waves in the fluid essence reflecting or bouncing off the source of sound itself.  When we apply this to the Divine attribute of Hearing reflected in creation, we can recognize every wave within creation as an emanation of the Source of creation, reflecting the Source of all sound.  God as the Source of all sound is as-Sami'. the All-Hearing, Awakened Hearing.

To swim in the Ocean of Sacred Sound means to tune in to the life force of existence as the breath of Source that leads us to a knowing of divine life energy. 

We have names for everything we know in creation, but the names do not always describe the true nature of the thing - its essence or qualities.  When we speak the Sacred sound codes that describes something, the sound waves actually vibrate at the frequency of the energy of the thing it names, calling forth the Divine essence within it, and helping us to connect with its divinity. 

Sacred languages are those ancient languages in which the words when spoken emit the waves lengths and frequencies that resonate with the energies of the things they name.  

Some of the sacred languages include Aramaic, Hebrew, Arabic, and Sanskrit.  

In this program, we use Arabic.  Arabic is the native language of our teacher, Sidi Shaykh Muhammad al-Jamal.  It is Amany's native language as well.  It is the language of the Divine Names of the Sufi teachings and tradition, which guide us to uncover the metaphysical and mystical meanings within the Divine Names and their Sound codes, and guide us to know the Divine Essence within ourselves and all of creation. 

The Divine Names describe attributes and qualities of the Divine.  In reality, there are an infinite number of names.  In the Sufi tradition, the tradition both Amany and Debra have studied, the Divine Names are symbolically referred to as the 99 Names, and you will find lists of 99 Divine Names.  Different lists may vary slightly, but most of the names are included on most lists. 

Names include:

  • Unconditional Love (Wadud)
  • Compassion (Rahman, Rahim)
  • Forgiveness (Ghaffar, Ghafur)
  • Peace ( Salaam) 
  • The Awakener (Ba'ith) 

The list is infinite.  These are just a few, and there are more names for these terms, each with a subtle nuance as each name is formed by combinations of sound codes which carry different nuances that slightly change the meanings. 

I've been studying Divine Names and Sacred Sound codes for 25 years, and I'm still learning and discovering awe-inspiring wonders every day! 

That is why this is an ongoing monthly program.  It's more about the knowledge you gain through experience than about what you will learn or memorize with your mind. 

Fortunately, you do not have to have a masters in chemistry, biology, physics, or any other science to learn to swim.  But you do need to get in the water.  

The information shared in this program is based on the mystical and metaphysical teachings of Sufism. 

The foundations are based on basic qualities found in all religions, such as love, compassion, forgiveness, peace, sincerity, wholeness, and gratefulness, to name a few. 

Sufism itself is difficult to describe.  In one of my books, I (Debra) described it as follows: 

"To me, Sufism is a pathway of the heart where the traveler is guided by her own love of love itself to cleanse everything from her existence except for pure love. And along the way, she gains an ever-increasing realization that everything is pure love." 

My teacher used to say, "At the heart of all religions is only one religion - the religion of Love, Peace, Mercy, Justice, Equality, and Freedom." 

He also said, "If everyone knew their religion well, there would be only one religion - the religion of Love, Peace, Mercy, Justice, Equality, and Freedom." 

If you have ever been moved by the poetry of the Sufi mystics, Rumi or Hafiz, you have been touched by the essence of Sufism.

This program is very healing for the body, mind, heart, soul, and spirit.  

To heal means to make whole.  A part of our human journey is to separate from our true selves, to experience life and the discomforts of separation, and then through the yearnings in our hearts and the pathways of self-discovery to return to our origin, to become whole within ourselves again. 

This work offers guidance and pathways for that journey. 

Of course, we cannot promise any healing for physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual disease.  We make no claims to offer any cures, as only The One truly knows your destiny. 

* 3 LIVE classes per month accessible via Zoom from the comfort of your own space


* 1 Monthly Knowledge Class


* 1 Monthly Group Recitation Call


* 1 Monthly Experiential Dive Class


* Recordings of all classes


* Handouts and PowerPoint slides of each class as applicable

Knowledge classes will be held at 2 CLASS TIMES.  You can attend either or both:

  • 2nd Tuesday of the month at 8-9:30pm US Eastern time
  • Monday preceding the 2nd Tuesday of the month at 11am-12:30pm US Eastern


Group Recitation Calls are held on the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 8-8:30pm US Eastern time.


Experiential Dives are held on the last Saturday of each month at 11am-1pm US Eastern time. 


Click here to find times in your time zone.


Recordings are available for all classes. 

Classes are held on the Zoom webinar platform.  You can access from your most convenient and comfortable location through a computer, smart phone, tablet, or by phone. 

We do recommend a computer device rather than dial-in if at all possible.  

In case you cannot attend live or if you want to review, recordings will be made available usually within 24 hours after each class. 

You may cancel any time through your PayPal account - or contact us for assistance. 

If you join in this initial phase of the program, you can join at Founding Member rates.  These rates available for a limited time - your rate will be locked in for as long as you maintain your membership.

Note that if you cancel and rejoin at a later date, you will join at the rate effective at that time. 

Refunds will not be available.  We strive to provide this service at super affordable rates.

Because you receive recordings and you can cancel your membership at any time, we will not refund for what you receive. 

If you are dissatisfied with the teachings, of course, we are happy to discuss with you. 

"These forms we seem to be are cups floating in an ocean of living consciousness...

What we are is ocean, too near to see, though we swim in it and drink it in. 

Don't be a cup with a dry rim..."

~ Rumi

Purchasing a gift for someone on your list?

Gift them 6 months of Ocean of Sound Live teachings, plus access to all past recordings. 


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